Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Assisted Suicide

I will be the first to open discussion on assisted suicide and I just wanted to start out by saying that I agree with it. I strongly agree with the principle that people should have the person choice to make their own good decisions; however, that doesn't meant that they don't need people around them to help influence them to make good decisions. Before we start arguing about this, we should probably see if anyone disagrees with my standpoint. Afterall, we don't want to break protocol ;) But anyways, I'm just throwing this out there, so please either comment on this blog or post a new blog with your views on assisted suicide. (BTW, sorry but I figured that I would just take the initiative and decide what our first topic of discussion was going to be. Hope you guys don't mind.)


  1. i think we should just comment on each blog that we have specific opinions on rather than making a new blog for every comment we have even if it pertains to another blog. i don't know what you guys think, but that is just me. . . I think it would be easier to organize if we used that method.

  2. anyways, we already came to the conclusion that MOSTLY everyone is all for legalizing physician assisted suicide except for ashley, and we haven't heard from drew yet. seeing how we all have his e-mail, why don't we all send him an e-mail so that he will join our convo.

    sorry for that little tangent. . . well assisted suicide should be legalized because who gets to determine what a person can and cannot do? i believe that everyone has the right to make their own decisions and if they make bad decisions then they will learn from them. for example, people all around can give me input and advice as to what they think i should do, but ultimately the decision is mine. what are your thoughts?

  3. I just beleive that if someone was in a serious accident or a vegetable, than why keep them living. They are only gonna suffer rather than live a happy life. I do also beleive that if someone just wants to die and not live anymore, than it's their decision not the publics. Many people have their reasons for not living any more like cancer or aids....

  4. yeah, i agree with you there, but i think one reason why people WOULD disagree with you is because they have the argument that not everyone who becomes a vegetable stays a vegetable for the rest of their lives... There are those miraculous instances where people come out of comas and what not and end up living normal lives thereafter. so i think the question now is, should we "let people go" if they are a vegetable even though it is a possibility (no matter how slim) that they may come out of it?

  5. I finally got it to work! Well, I did my research on assisted suicide, and I also agree with it. Why would you let someone you care and love for sit there in pain if all they want to do is go on happily? I thing it would be more wrong to allow the person to live if they don't want to. It would be hurting them physically and mentally. It is sad letting a loved one go, but you need to let them make choices for themselve, and if that is what is going to make them happy, then so be it.

  6. well, as of right now, it doesn't really look like we have any opposition; therefore, it seems like it is pointless to engage into a debate about assisted suicide. seeing how determining whether there is a conflict of opinion is (i think) the first step of argumentation.

    SO, what should we talk about next? i think we should talk about a big abortion or the war in Afghanistan or something around that magnitude.

  7. Hey. Kendall's brother here. I think that everyone should be allowed to do what they want so long as that action does not infringe upon the rights of others. For example, killing someone infringes upon their right to live, similarly, attacking someone infringes upon their right to live without fear of attack. These rights aren't explicitly stated because they are commonly protected by simple laws such as outlawing murder and battery. When it comes to assisted suicide. Killing oneself does not infringe upon the rights of anyone else, reality T.V. stars willingly forfeit their right to privacy because they own their own rights, and thus the right to give them up. The same should be for every right whether that right is explicitly stated in a law or simply implied. As far as killing terminal patients goes, does a slowly dying animal deserve a more merciful fate than that of a person? I think not. Then there's the whole vegetative state thing,should we kill someone in a vegetative state? Let me ask you this, if they were in that state on a deserted island, how long would they survive for? If someone wants to spend their own money keeping some veggie alive, be my guest, but making euthanasia illegal? Common. I was probably ranting a bit there, and was also probably a tad repetitive sometimes, but I'm too lazy to edit it, and I'm sure you got the point; its not like there's any dissent among the bloggers here anyway.

  8. this argument was brought up in our philosophy class... the government and people surrounding any particular individual value any one person's life; therefore, they need to be kept alive because we value their life. also, what if helping someone with assisted suicide would bring more harm than help? for instance, what if someone dies then members of that person's family or his/her friends want to kill themselves there after?

  9. What do ya know? I also support assisted suicide haha....I think it's important that everybody makes it clear to their family and friends, probably in a written statement, that if they are in a vegetative state, they would like to either continue living in the vegetative state, knowing the chances of coming out of it, or have their suffering come to an end. Therefore, if a family member kills themselves because their kin wanted to die with dignity, they know that that is what the kin wanted and I believe, that a family member's suicide is less likely. And just because a family member MAY kill themselves, that doesn't mean that we should limit the dignity that one should have if they want their suffering, vegetative state of life to end. thanks :)

  10. i think i'm going to conclude this topic because there seems to be no news points or opinions so i think we should all move onto something different, and if there's ANYTHING anyone wants to talk about just make a new blog and we will all try to comment on it and give our opinions on whether we disagree or agree with you and we will give reasons to support them.
