Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Assisted Suicide

I will be the first to open discussion on assisted suicide and I just wanted to start out by saying that I agree with it. I strongly agree with the principle that people should have the person choice to make their own good decisions; however, that doesn't meant that they don't need people around them to help influence them to make good decisions. Before we start arguing about this, we should probably see if anyone disagrees with my standpoint. Afterall, we don't want to break protocol ;) But anyways, I'm just throwing this out there, so please either comment on this blog or post a new blog with your views on assisted suicide. (BTW, sorry but I figured that I would just take the initiative and decide what our first topic of discussion was going to be. Hope you guys don't mind.)

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Blog

This is the first blog post of many (hopefully). I'm not really quite sure what to say. . . Well I had a stupendous day, and I got a lot accomplished. I worked for about 5 hours, made about 20 bucks, filled my gas tank up with about 16 bucks worth of gas for 2.23/gallon (BALLIN!) at Wall Mart, and I made a gmail account and my first blog. Well we, as in the principles of logic group 5, have to figure out when we should meet to talk about our first topic. . . Also, we have to decide on what topic we are going to discuss first. I would very much like to discuss something by Wednesday so yeah. . . Hope this all works out ;) Payce!